Margherita Labella
She was born in Rome the 22/06/1971, graduated at "I Liceo Artistico di Via di Ripetta" (Rome) in 1989. Between 1990-1994 she attended a four-year jewel design course, graduating at the European Institute of Design of Rome. She improves her artistic background at Nicola Zabaglia school where she performs several courses: computer and graphic (1998-1999); ancient painting techniques (1999-2000); and a clay modelling triennial course (2000-2003). She improves her techniques knowledges in ceramics, attending an intensive corse at the "Fabrica de ceramicas Sargadelos" in Spain and a decorating "porcellana" course with Mr. Cimatti. She collaborates during the years, with architecture studios, taking care about decoration, tromp l'oeil and jewel's design. In june 2005 she inaugurates Terre Rare laboratory of Rome, in Monteverde area, where she teachs decoration and clay modelling.

Main exposition:
1993- Rome "Precious Desires " hall Bernin
1993- Rome "Diamonds under the tree" Corsini Palace
1994- Rome "Handicraft" Ca' Of gold Public square of Spain
1994- Rome "New talents" Headquarters them of the I.E.D. public square Column
1999- Rome collective Extension of graphical computer Zagaglia School
2000- Rome collective Extension technical ancient pittoriche Zagaglia School
2001- Roman Olevano Extension of art and painting. Villa De Pisa
2002- Rome painting Extensions and ceramics near the Church of S. Gregorio to the Celio and near the Cultural Center of Saint Luigi of the French (Embassy of France near the Sede Saint).
2003- Rome "a cristhmas them for the Peace" - regional Review of Art, Palace of the Lazio Region.
2003- Rome "Put of the Artists" - collective Extension of ceramics.
2003- Rome "Extension of ceramics" - Auditorium of the Papal Urbaniana University.
2005- Rome "Presences and differences" collective Extension of contemporary art. Shack farsetti Pamphili Villa.

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